June 7, 2017 by MTR Custom Leather in Uncategorized with No Comments

When you draw, it’s on


Threat can arise in an instant. You can react just as fast. The split-second you draw, Viridian’s Enhanced Combat Readiness system ignites the brilliant green laser and/or taclight — targeting, blinding, intimidating in one reflex-fast move. Suddenly you’ve got the advantage.

With Enhanced Combat Readiness (ECR) now part of every universal Viridian laser, you can achieve inhumanly fast response to crisis. Just pre-set the Viridian laser/taclight mode, slide your gun into your TacLoc holster, and the ECR system is armed and ready. The instant gun leaves holster, the laser fires a brilliant beam that cuts through daylight or darkness as fast as you can draw.

With virtually unlimited laser and/or taclight modes and the breakthrough ECR system, Viridian has elevated combat readiness to a whole new level. Draw-and-activate is obsolete. Partner up with ECR and get the drop on evil.

The Viridian C Series, X Series (excluding RS), and REACTOR Series are equipped with ECR technology and activate when drawn from our MTR Custom Leather holsters.

Please use the following guidelines to determine if your current Viridian laser sight is equipped with ECR technology:

  • C5 units with serial numbers beginning at or higher than C019860.
  • C5L units with serial numbers beginning at or higher than C018000.
  • X5L (Gen 2) units with serial numbers beginning at or higher than X002830.

Check out MTRCustomLeather.comย to choose and design your ECR Instant on Holster. The ECR instant on option is only compatible for viridian lasers only. If you would like to purchase a viridian laser give us a call at (336)879-2166.

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