
โ€œImportant Things To Consider During July 4thโ€ – MTR Custom Leather

July 3, 2018 by MTR Custom Leather in Uncategorized with No Comments

โ€œImportant Things To Consider During July 4thโ€

From the Point of View of God, Guns & MTR


Independence Day should be a time of celebration remembering what our founding fathers accomplished back in July 4th, 1776. July 4th should not be a time of worrying or in fear of being in public. However, the times that we live in, bring about those emotions. Bible 101: God does not bring about fear, faith instead. As one knows, we can not change our current surrounding or things that occur around us. But we all know who holds it all. However, what we can control is our attention to details and things to consider during the 4th of July. I will just cover a few of many things to consider below.

One topic, I want to bring about to your attention is recognizing and being mindful of carrying concealed on the special holiday. As we all know the holidays, special occasions and large events bring about a large amount of people and all kinds of people. Carrying your weapon in this type of environment can be done, but things need to be taken into consideration.

101 conceal carry: pay attention to your surrounding and people in your area and carry your weapon concealed where people can not see it. Concealed carry can easily be accomplished by using a MTR Custom Leather, LLC IWB (inside the waistband) holster or using a high riding OWB (outside the waistband) holster. However, one should consider the attire that one wears with concealing there weapon. During the summer people like to wear less and less clothing or more fitting clothing to show off their body (โ€œMay God Be With Themโ€). Back to conceal carry 101, donโ€™t bring attention to yourself while carrying concealed and donโ€™t wear something that will easily identify that you are carrying. Now what I’m about to tell, please donโ€™t take the wrong way and keep in mind I am only bringing about these things to consider when carrying in areas with lots of people, not carrying all the time. I, myself like to wear combat boots, gun related t-shirts and gun jewelry. Wearing these items in public around a large amount of people can bring to someoneโ€™s attention, โ€œHey I bet they carry,โ€ โ€œLook at that 38 special bullet around her necklace,โ€ โ€œI wonder if she is a cop,โ€ โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ..I think you get the point where I am heading, so we will skip to the next thing to consider when carrying concealed during July 4th.

So now we know what to consider wearing during the 4th. Let’s move to awareness of your environment. Lotโ€™s of ย fireworks, food, children, elderly, activities, drinking, criminals, drugs, loud music, etc. According to wiki, awareness definition: โ€œis the ability to directly know and perceive, to feel, or to be cognizant of events. More broadly, it is the state of being conscious of somethingโ€. Be aware of your surroundings and current situation and people. Watch out for people who may be intoxicated or stoned on drugs or anyone who looks suspicious. I know it states in the bible not to judge anyone and you shouldnโ€™t, but God does warns of evil in the world that we should be slow to hear, slow to speak, steadfast and warning us of drunkenness and what it brings about (foolishness). Letโ€™s throw a situation in the air to consider if it happens and what to do. If someone approaches you that has had a few too many alcoholic drinks and is maybe looking for a confrontation. First remove yourself from the situation and donโ€™t give in to. Bible 101: James states, โ€œBlessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love himโ€. Okay back to the situation, letโ€™s get a little deeper, the drunkard decides to attack you. First thought defend yourself, but donโ€™t try to make the situation worst. Bible 101: WWJD? Better to leave the situation and let the fool shoot his mouth off ย than anything else be shot off. Holster 101: if someone dose approach you, please make sure your holster is made to fit your weapon exactly (like MTR does) to assure adequate retention of the firearm. Retention is a vital and most important when carrying your weapon in any given situation. On the other hand, be aware of police, ems and people that can help during any given situation that may occur. Be aware of all points and directions of exit. Be aware of where you park your vehicle. There is several of other things to consider when carrying your weapon in areas of several people. I could write a book. I will leave you with this last thought (bible 101) John, โ€œWhen the spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to comeโ€. Listen to your inner spirit as the good Lord above instructs!





Source: MTR Custom Leather, LLC author

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