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CSW: Exclusive First Look at LMTโ€™s โ€˜Confined Space Weaponโ€™

CSW: Exclusive First Look at LMTโ€™s โ€˜Confined Space Weaponโ€™
Developed for quick movement and small spaces without sacrificing ballistics, Lewis Machine & Tool’s CSW is truly a pinnacle of innovation.
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Gun Fails: The Worst Firearm Innovations of the Past 25 Years
One of the best parts of the firearms industry is the constant innovation โ€” however, sometimes it takes several ‘gun fails’ to develop something iconic.
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Sig Sauer Rattler: Tactical-Lifeโ€™s โ€˜Gun of the Monthโ€™ for September 2017
The two variants of the Sig Sauer Rattler platform represent the high-speed, low-drag 300 Blackout PDWs that operators have been searching for.
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Screw Disneyworld, folks. DriveTanks.comโ€”which gives you the chance to drive and shoot real tanksโ€”is where dreams really come true.
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VIDEO: NYPD Body Cam Footage Shows Officer-Involved Shooting
Newly-released NYPD body cam footage shows a fatal shooting of an armed man during a wellness check at an apartment in the Bronx.
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Pat McNamara Practices Pistol Marksmanship Carrying a 100-Pound Dummy
Pistol marksmanship takes on a different meaning when training with Pat McNamara, as he demonstrates while using a 100-pound dummy.
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