J-Frame, L-Frame, K-Frame & N-Frame Revolver Frame Sizes

July 15, 2021 by MTR Custom Leather in Uncategorized with No Comments

Here is a few cheat sheets to help determine the correct frame size for your revolver. This will make it easier when looking for a holster. Keep in mind that some of the same model of revolvers have different barrel lengths and features and series. For an example, Smith and Wesson model 640 has a generation 1, generation 2 and generation 3. All made of different material and barrel lengths. I will post in another blog a excel spreadsheet of the different generations and barrel lengths of some the popular Smith and Wesson revolvers. If you do not see your weapon listed, than please contact Smith and Wesson to determine the exact details and frame size of your weapon.

MTR Custom Leather is all about taking quality leather and a professional leather craftsman together and designing a well functioning product, to protect you! MTR takes your life serious and by carrying your weapon in a well design leather holster or on a structural double layer gun belt can help you in time of need. Be prepared and carry MTR by your side. We have your back.

Custom Holsters for Lasers/Lights/Optics 

MTR Custom Leather, LLC 










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